Mothers by Swim Deep

When Swim Deep first emerged onto the music scene their summery album debut Where The Heaven Are We secured them the adoration of an unswervingly devoted collection of 13/14-year-old fan girls and favourable reviews from a collection of critics. Yet it always seemed more of an indication of future promise. There was the sense that self-assertion had not yet occurred with this amiable but non-confrontational first record. That Swim Deep had more potential to cause a bit of a stir, to make a bolder statement. Second album Mothers marks Swim Deep’s dramatic two-year transformation from the indie pop pin-up’s debut, with the addition of multi-instrumentalist James Balmont to accommodate the anthemic sound emerging from the group. Now Swim Deep burst back onto the scene with erratic synth solos, punchy lyrics and faster paced acidic juggernauts.

‘One Great Song And I Could Change The World’ opens the album, the first lines (“Have I said why I love the sunrise? // It’s ‘cause it’s only gonna get lighter) evoking the sense of a being on the verge of a new beginning, and an indication of the fresh material to follow. ‘Namaste’- selected as Hottest Record on Annie Mac’s Radio 1 show upon it’s release as a single – sounds like the jubilant soundtrack to Swim Deep’s very own video game. An explosion of 90’s reminiscent heavy synths and shrieks, ‘Namaste’ certainly is the salutation to introduce a jolt from the hazy, sugar-coated flicks of ‘Honey’, ‘The Sea’ and ‘She Changes The Weather’. Mothers culminates in the eight minute long acidic baseline of ‘Fueiho Boogie’, which acts as a musical microcosm for the entire album. A mad rush of synths, nineties Manchester energy, space and loud vocals, this is certainly an album to listen to, enjoy, and freak-out space dance to, but not necessarily to cherish forever.

Released on the 2nd of October through Chess Club records, one thing’s for sure – those 13 and 14-year-old girls of 2013 wont know what’s hit ‘em.


Jessica Heath

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