Ego Death by The Internet

The Internet’s third album Ego Death is a chilled, soulful record with rhythmic Latin vibes. ‘Get Away’ is a short, moody, bass-filled intro to the album, the lyrics calling the listener to escape from mundane routine and materialism and enter The Internet‘s world for the duration of the album.  ‘Under Control’ has a great drum beat, as throughout the whole album, creating a cool, party-starting track. The song itself stays under control, well-timed and lacks a bravado which really draws the album together and makes it the relaxed track that it is. The second half of the album is where the party really starts, with ‘For The World’ entering the listeners world at track 6. However, the over-echoed vocals gives an auto-tuned feel which, in my opinion, the track could do without. The collaboration with Kaytranada on ‘Girl’ is a must listen: catchy, entrancing and at times, extraterrestrial. Syd the Kyd softly singing a repetitive yet empowering mantra makes the piece a well put together and suited collaboration. ‘Penthouse Cloud’ is the most heartfelt track, lamenting the state of the world including gospel elements, whilst gently philosophising and reflecting on life itself. The drastic change mid-song makes an uplifting change to an otherwise melancholic track. The final track ‘Palace/Curse’ featuring Tyler The Creator is a euphoric end to the album, with a low-key playful bass-line you will bob your head to. Again, it is perhaps arguably just a lengthy mix of two songs, yet taken into account with the rest of the album, ‘Palace/Curse’ makes a feel good finale with this transition representing a before and after.  The harmonic vocals sing ‘Baby, I’m under your curse’ creating a sense of falling in love, as well as the death of the ego. It seems to me that the four year soul band in their complex third studio album, are making space for something better. The juxtaposition of love against egotism is an intricate and clever theme that runs throughout the whole of the album. Ego Death shows The Internet at their finest, setting the path out for other artists on how to create real music.


Stephanie Uwalaka

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