Sunshine Cocktails: Strawberry and Basil Margaritas

Spring has certainly sprung, and today it would seem summer is just around the corner. So, why not celebrate the sun, and enjoy a delicious cocktail with your friends. A Strawberry Basil Margarita is an invigorating twist on an old classic, and is perfect for spring.


  • A few fresh strawberries
  • Tequila
  • Lime cordial
  • A couple of basil leaves


  • strawberry-margaritas-2Prepare the strawberries by washing them then slicing off the outside layer. Then, slice in half.
  • Take a glass and pour in the lime cordial. For one cocktail, normally two teaspoons will do, but it really depends upon how much you like your lime. If you haven’t put enough in, you can always add some more!
  • Fill half the glass with water.
  • Then, it’s tequila time! Pour in however much you fancy, depending upon how strong you want your cocktail to be. Don’t forget tequila, has a kick so you don’t want to add too much.
  • Add the strawberries
  • Then, crumple a few basil leaves in your hands in order to release the flavours and add to the glass
  • Give it a stir and serve with ice. Or, put it in the fridge or freezer and allow it to cool. Then sit back and enjoy!
    Tips and Tricks

  • If you prefer lemons to limes, replace the lime cordial with lemon juice.
  • If you want to make your cocktail extra fresh, use the juice of a fresh lemon or lime.
  • If you would prefer something sweeter, than add a teaspoon of sugar and stir.
  • If you fancy something more alcoholic, don’t be afraid to mix in some orange flavoured liqueur. Cointreau is ideal and not too expensive when on sale too!
  • If you like a bit of fizz, replace the water with lemonade to add some extra sweetness
  • If you have friends coming over, prepare a pitcher the night before and leave in the fridge.

    Emily Murray

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