Poor CCTV blamed for Edward Boyle laptop thefts

Two laptops were stolen from the Edward Boyle library last week after being left unattended by students.

Patrols by the Police and University security services have been increased in the libraries with the police putting leaflets on unattended valuables to warn their owners of the risk they have taken in leaving them alone.

PC Matt Guy called for students to be extra vigilant about leaving their possessions around campus. He said, ‘It is not the first time that laptops have been stolen from the library but it is the first occurrence in a while’.

He said that the University was co-operating with Police in pursuing leads to catch the culprits, although CCTV coverage is poor throughout the library.

PC Guy pointed out that although only the thieves were to blame the best way to stop this occurring again is for students to keep their valuables with them at all times.

A University spokesperson said, “Some 60,000 users are registered with the University libraries – including students from other institutions, some NHS employees and fee-paying members of the public – so, to all intents and purposes, the library is a public space. Thefts can and do occur within the University’s libraries and elsewhere on campus, and we would urge all students to take care of their belongings and not leave them unattended when using the library facilities.

“CCTV cameras are installed in many areas of the University libraries, particularly at the entrances and in the clusters and larger areas. However, due to the complex design of some parts of the buildings, it is simply not possible to cover all areas.

“We would advise library users to exercise the same caution with their possessions as they would in any other busy, public area.

“Library users should report any suspicious behaviour to library staff, in the first instance. We would also remind people to report stolen or lost library cards as soon as possible, so minimising the chance of these being used by unauthorised people.”


Hugh Baillie-Lane

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