News | Students complain of festival noise during revision

Students are often known for causing noise complaints but this time they were the ones calling for help.

As Slam Dunk Festival took place in the Union today, students took to social media to question why a music festival was being held in the middle of revision season.

One student sarcastically vented their anger on Twitter saying:

“Top marks to whichever union official organised a rock concert outside the library during exam season” – @PLTaine

Others called the concert “inconvenient”, “jarring” and “ridiculous”, with complaints of  bass vibrations throughout the Edward Boyle library as student attempted to study.

At the time of writing over 25 students had tweeted the Union about the issue.

Leeds University Union issued an apology to students on Twitter:

“We’re taking note of all your comments & feedback on the noise issues on campus today & will make sure they are discussed by the relevant people next week. We’re very sorry if the festival is affecting you. @BradleyEscorcio can talk to students directly impacted.”

Slam Dunk is a 3-day festival with the first day in 2014 being held at Leeds University Union, followed by subsequent dates in Hertfordshire and Wolverhampton. The festival is headlined this year by The All-American Rejects.   

Giovanni Da Costa

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