News | Student robbed in Burley Park

A student has been robbed in broad daylight following a number of incidents in the Burley Park area.

The female, aged 20 had her phone stolen after a struggle, whilst walking through the area.

An attempted robbery has also taken place at a bus stop, near Cardigan Lane, where a man tried to take a phone from a female, aged 19.

However, the robber was forced to leave empty handed after the victim resisted.

A 22-year-old male, believed to be of Asian origin, was arrested on Monday. He has been released on bail pending further investigation.

A third year English student told LS: “It’s really scary because I live in the area and often walk to and from University on my own.”

Another female student – studying Biology – said: “It’s horrible that stuff like that happens so close to the University. It’s annoying because it makes you worry about walking around freely.”

The robbery follows an incident LS recently reported on for which two muggers were sentenced after stabbing a student’s hand during a mugging in October.

Maddy Keating

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