Lifestyle| Headingley Farmers Market

Waking up anytime before midday on a weekend is no mean feat but located opposite the Arc, the Headingley Farmer’s Market is easily accessible and a great place to source fresh local produce, and maybe even get some hangover curing croissants too.

At 10:30am, the market was already filled with families, couples, and little old ladies with their ever so practical shopping trolleys. A folk band was playing near the back whilst the welcoming and personable stall owners nearby danced behind the counter. As a major foodie, this was heaven: there were stalls showcasing cheeses, cakes, seafood, eggs, preserves, plants, organic vegetables, organic meat, and if you’re looking for something a little more exciting than steak, pick yourself up some venison.

Knowing where your food comes from as well as the people who provide it are the main reasons for the steady flow of cus- tomers, explains Becks from The Reliance, a charcuterie store. Unsurprisingly, most other stall owners feel the same way: Claire from Cryer & Stott, selling a variety of amazing cheeses, says that there’s a steady increase of younger customers who come to the market for better quality and variety.

Sarah from the Headingley Country Markets explains how sellers at markets are more ‘customer-led’: whilst supermarkets are undoubtedly more convenient, local producers are able to customise products to our dietary and taste preferences. Jonnie from the Organic Pantry, who sells organic vegetables and has a stall outside the Student Union on Mondays, adds that buying from local producers cuts out the middleman, and ensures the freshness of your food.

Although the majority of regular market-goers are older, students are definitely becoming more health-conscious: stalls outside the Union every Monday most certainly get their steady flow of student customers. Whilst it’s true that produce from supermarkets are usually cheaper, by buying local as often as you can, you’ll be supporting roducers as well as ensuring the availability of good quality food in your kitchen. Goodbye Tesco finest meats, and hello organic venison.

You can also read our review of the LUU Farmers Market here

Gloria Chung 

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