News | Eng Soc hosts Weakest Link

EngSoc discovered whether it was students or lecturers who “would get more splinters from scratching
their head” in their Weakest Link competition.

The event was in aid of Reading Matters, a Yorkshire based charity.

Lecturer Simon Swift was slower than his name suggested and was the first contestant voted off. Following a heated final round, Fiona Douglas won the competition. She beat student Hayley Reid by correctly answering “How many bones are there in the human body?”

Douglas won a Mr Men book as her prize. The host, Tom Pattison amused the audience with Anne Robinson
inspired oneliners.

Second year, English student Rudi Abdallah told LS: “Tom’s lines delivered with acidic wit would have certainly made Anne Robinson quiver!”

Abdallah added: “There was a depressing lack of Strongbow and not enough hot wings or sausage rolls.”

Carina Derhalli

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