News | Disabled toilets don't connect to Uni security

Disabled students have complained that they feel unsafe as toilets across campus do not connect to the Security

Storm Jameson Court and 30 Clarendon Place are the only two toilets that can report back to security in the event of an emergency.

LS spoke to Gemma Turner, a third year student who uses a wheelchair, said: “As a disabled student based in the Institute of Communication Studies, this is something that I see as imperative to connect to security.

She added: “This would make me think twice about using the toilets after hours.”

A University spokesperson said: “In all other disabled toilets within the University, when the alarm cord is pulled, the beacon light outside the toilet is illuminated and a loud buzzer sounds to alert people to the problem”

However, students have complained about the risk of an emergency outside of working hours.

The Union is not exempt from problems with disabled toilets, with the emergency cord in the ARC toilet having remained broken for over a week.

Gemma said: “This doesn’t surprise me as unfortunately a lot of services for disabled students in the Union are not prioritised when they need to be fixed. This is something that definitely needs to be fixed for the future safety of disabled students.”

Maddy Keating

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