A team of four students representing Leeds University have come ninth in the finals of The iQuiz, a national student quiz run by the i Paper.

The ‘High Functioning Sociopaths’ team consisted of Emily Channon, Nick Gandy, Matthew Fisher and Tom Goldie. The quiz was described as a competition of “the brightest and best students from all over the country…in a battle of wits, grit and bottomless general knowledge”.

Oxford’s team came 1st, winning the 14 day trip around Europe, Kent came second and Southampton third.

Third year Philosophy student Gandy told LS: “We had a great time and got off to a good start. We were joint lead halfway, but a couple of the final rounds let us down.”

Rosie Collington, the student that organised the trials for the Leeds team, said: “The Leeds team came a long way in this national student quiz. Although they didn’t win the ultimate prize, it sounds like they had a good time and the event was a success.”

Christian Green

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