News | Worst loos revealed

The toilets opposite the Terrace have been named as the worst toilets on campus, LS can reveal.

Students spoke out about their disgust at some of the facilities in an LS survey, with most complaints citing those in the Union foyer and those outside the Old Bar.

Most students commented that the Union toilets were ‘poor’ but that University toilets were ‘acceptable’. Complaints focused on smell and hygiene.

One student said: “The toilets in the Union are always in terrible shape. Awful smell, suspicious liquid on the floor and urinals and cubicles always seemingly blocked. To say that the Union prides itself on so much, this can only be seen as a disgusting oversight.”

Other complaints centred on the amount of broken locks and the unhygienic state of the hand driers.

An idea was submitted to the Better Union Forums to refurbish the Old Bar toilets, but the idea did not go to Forum.

A Union spokesperson said: “There have been some small scale refurbishments on the Old Bar toilets in the last two years, and ideally we would like to implement larger scale refurbishment across all of our toilet facilities.

The reason this has not been done is due to the financial investment needed. We welcome any feedback.”

Students also found fault with the Edward Boyle Library. One student told LS that the hand drier in the disabled toilet on level 10 has not worked since the beginning of term.

A University spokesperson said: “The toilets are cleaned and tidied on a regular basis during the day. However, we do review all our cleaning provision frequently and make adjustments as necessary, and we will be taking these comments into consideration.”

Maddy Keating

Photo: Jack Scates

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