News | Union vows to save School of Healthcare

The Union has promised it will lobby the University to save the School of Healthcare.

The motion passed after a unanimous vote was cast at the Better University forum to try and save the School and its courses. The Union’s Welfare Officer Charlotte Warner put the idea forward.

The decision follows a petition and meeting with University Vice Chancellor Sir Alan Langlands to change his decision to review of the school.

Charlotte Warner said: “It’s really positive that the campaign against potential course closures is now policy. The decision shows that this campaign has gathered support beyond Healthcare students and a wide range of students feel strongly about it.”

Despite a large number of ideas being submitted, only two went through to the Better Union forums, including Emma Simpson’s idea to host an asexual awareness week, which passed. Support was widespread, with most queries centred on whether or not the LGBT society can represent asexual people. The idea passed with a 12:1 majority.

Other ideas included a ban on flyering outside the Parkinson building. The discussion focused on whether the possible student employment from handing out flyers outweighed the annoyance to other students. The panel failed to reach a consensus, with eight votes each, and so the idea will go to referendum.

Maddy Keating

Photo: Natalie Irving

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