News | School of Healthcare facing closures

Six areas of the School of Healthcare are in danger of closing, despite outrage from trade unions.

A review by the University has recommended that six out of the eight disciplines in the School of Healthcare close. Pharmacy, Audiology, Cardiac Physiology, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Diagnostic Radiography, and Social Work all face being axed.

Some of the departments have 100 per cent graduate employment or study rates.

Audiology has also been given a 100 per cent satisfaction rating by students for the past four years.

Representatives from UCU, UNITE and UNISON met with the Vice Chancellor, Sir Alan Langlands yesterday to urge him to rethink the proposals.

They expressed disappointment that the Vice Chancellor stated that he was satisfied with the conduct of the review of the School of Healthcare to date. A UCU spokesperson told LS:  “The University was unwilling to alter the current direction of travel in the Review process. UCU, UNISON and UNITE are now organising a joint lobby of Council at 4pm on Thursday 28 November in defence of Healthcare at Leeds.”

The meeting follows a petition by the unions to highlight the importance of the school. At the time of going to print, the petition had 1,842 signatures.

UCU President Ann Blair said: “The threat seems to be more about league table advantage than any question that these disciplines are not financially viable.”

Local MP Greg Mulholland has written to the Vice Chancellor asking him to consult with the unions before making any decisions about Healthcare.

A University spokesperson said: “The School of Healthcare is currently engaged in a review process that is looking at the academic and financial sustainability of all its activities.

Maddy Keating

Photo: Carina Derhalli

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