Fresh Slice – White chocolate and raspberry cookies

This fabulous no-fail cookie recipe will never cease to please. Easy to make, easy to eat, and easy on your budget, there’s no reason not to knock up a batch.

Ingredients (Makes 20 medium sized cookies)

  • 225g of unsalted butter, softened
  • 222g of caster sugar
  • 170g of condensed milk (I used Nestle Carnation)
  • 350g of self-raising flour
  • 150g of white chocolate, cut into chunks
  • 175g of raspberries (fresh or frozen)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 C/Gas Mark 4. Line two baking trays with grease proof paper.
  2. Cream the butter and sugar together in a large bowl, until they are pale and of a smooth consistency. Then, stir in the condensed milk.
  3. Sift in the flour, and work the mixture into a soft dough, first with the spoon and then your hands once most of the flour is incorporated.
  4. Mix in the chocolate chunks (though don’t worry if a few ‘disappear’ into your mouth…)
  5. Take a small handful of the dough, roll it into a ball, and then flatten it with the palm of your hand onto the lined baking tray. Repeat, spacing all the cookies well apart to allow for them to spread.
  6. Push two to three raspberries into each cookie.
  7. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until they are golden brown at the edges. You want them a little soft in the middle. Don’t worry if they seem under-baked, they set as they cool and are lovely and chewy.
  8. Leave to cool slightly before moving them to a plate or cooling rack

If you don’t think you can feast on 20 cookies, the dough freezes remarkably well, just leave out the raspberries. Or, if you can’t even be bothered to commit to the final bake, simply mix the dough with vanilla ice-cream. So, when someone asks you ‘is anything in life simple?’ you can now answer them by presenting them with one of these easy and delicious cookies.

Katie Dawtry

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