Fashion | Brand Alert – Open Lifestyle

Open Lifestyle has been open for over a year, offering everything from quality apparel to home ware and grooming for the dapper gentleman. The co-owner of the store, Daniel, stated, “Our key demographic is really broad, that’s something that’s special about our store. It could be a student looking to splash out on some good quality clothing or some of our customers are between fifty and sixty.” It seems their ethos is quality and timeless items that simply never go out of style.
Entering the event, with the smell of Layne’s Irish coffee in the air, this store opening felt like entering Noel Coward’s living room. There was a classic feel to the entire store, only enhanced by the coffee stand from Layne’s.

Open and Layne’s have been friends for years but have only just formed their business partnership. Dave O’Lejrik, founder of Layne’s espresso, said that they were similar to Open in that it is the guaranteed quality of the product that drives them first and foremost.

Dave continued to state that as a company, “we don’t just buy from one supplier though, it’s really whoever approaches us that we think has the same work ethic and same frame of mind that we do. If they boast good coffee and are directly sourced then chances are we’ll trade with them.”

The personal touch of both stores strikes us, especially considering the ripe young age of both sets of owners. Despite their age it seems both companies have tapped into a cosy nostalgia that will intrigue all manner of different men. If amazing coffee and great quality clothing are your thing, Thornton’s Arcade should be your destination of choice to see these two’s unique collaboration.

Check out their site at before hitting the store.

Jessie Jones 

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