Lifestyle | GIAG with Freestyle Dance

When considering the various dance societies that the Union has to offer, I was intrigued by the idea of Freestyle Dance. The name conjures up the image of spontaneous, unrehearsed dancing; people feeling the music and getting into their own groove. So I was surprised when the Give it a Go session wasn’t just like a nightclub dance floor with the lights turned on, but a choreographed class. This, however, turned out to be an extremely pleasant surprise. The outrageously talented Julius Ebreo, whose dance background boasts performances in We Will Rock You, alongside other enviable experiences, teaches the class. He demonstrates an eclectic style of dance, incorporating genres such as jazz, street and contemporary. And not only is he a great teacher, the guy is simply hilarious. He uses his flamboyant persona to rid the class of their insecurities and encourage them to have fun.

The fantastically enthusiastic committee contribute further to the fun factor, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and involved. All of these great efforts from the team have paid off: the Freestyle Dance Society was voted ‘Best Dance Society 2013’ at The Riley Awards. And rightly. The club welcomes people of all ability levels, from those who have never busted a move in their lives, to the wannabe Louie Spences. You can also volunteer yourself for competitions and shows with the team, a great way to get more involved.

So if you fancy a new and exciting way to spend your Wednesday evenings, this society is highly recommended.

Freestyle Dance hold classes every Wednesday in Michael Sadler, LG10: Beginners: 5.30-6.30pm Advanced: 6.30-7.30pm

Laura Chisholm

Photo: Property of LUU Freestyle Dance Soc

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