News | Police review Mezz licence

A formal application to review Mezz’s license has been made by West Yorkshire Police.

Following the release of Tequila’s ‘Freshers’ Violation’ video, police claim there is “evidence that young males are being encouraged to engage in violent sexual acts against females”.

They add that the management is encouraging “prohibited licensable activities” involving the free pouring of alcohol from bottles directly into customers’ mouths.

The police argue that evidence shows management support “highly inappropriate and sexually suggestive advertising campaigns” and permit overly sexually themed events to take place at the premises, arguing that these are likely to pose a threat to public safety and increase associated offences.

Councillor Neil Walshaw said: “[It’s] the biggest response I’ve seen in a while. I find it reassuring”.

Speaking to LS he said: “I don’t know if there will be consequences for Tequila UK, but I would hope so”.

The University has said that disciplinary action against the students featured in the ‘Freshers’ Violation’ video is “is under review”.

Maddy Keating

Photo: Sean Hayes

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