Lifestyle | Go Sober for October

As a student, staying sober for a month might be daunting thought. But for over 31,000 ‘sober heroes’ in the UK it’s a great opportunity to support a good cause. This October Macmillan Cancer Support offer the perfect opportunity to raise money for one of the UK’s leading cancer support charities and sort your health all in one go. You give up alcohol for the month: people sponsor you. Simple.

Student Georgia Lind is just one of the thousands to take part.

What interested you about Go Sober for October? I thought it’d be a challenge. Two of my friends are doing it, so we keep each other company on nights out, and it’s a lifesaver with the finances! The lack of hangovers is a definite plus too.

How are you finding it so far? First few days were the most difficult, especially with coming back to university. I found myself thinking ‘I could really use a gin and tonic right now’. But the longer I do it the more I want to prove it to myself. I had to get a Golden Ticket (£15 sponsorship to get one cheat day) for my 20th birthday, but no more drinks until the 1st! I’m not going out as much but the nights are still fun, if a little surreal seeing everyone being that drunk. It does make you feel much more self conscious though, dancing like an idiot has so far been off the table.

Tips to survive a sober night out:

Dose up on the caffeine – Still not the ideal health requirement, but if you’re planning on avoiding falling asleep on your feet during the Harlem Shake then caffeine may be the solution. Energy drinks are best, as they have a higher caffeine content than a mug of coffee. If you’re looking for something stronger Pro Plus is the saving grace of all students.

Let yourself have fun – Don’t go out expecting to have a terrible night just because you’re not on the lash. It might be harder to lose your inhibitions, but your friends won’t remember your dancing anyway. Make it a night to remember.

Take photos – It’s an amazing opportunity to get hilarious snaps of all your not-so-sober friends. They’ll hate you in the morning but the pictures will be a great addition to the photo wall.

Treat yourself – Celebrate not spending much on your night by buying yourself presents or treating yourself to the takeaway you’ve craved for weeks.

Go somewhere with good music – If House music isn’t your thing then don’t even attempt it. Appreciate the Spice Girls like you never did before.

Mocktails – They are delicious and cost peanuts in comparison to their spirit-laden brothers and sisters.

Anastasia Kennedy


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