Sport | Varsity | "A flexy thrashing"

Women’s Rugby Union: Met 94-0 Uni

Some Varsity fixtures are too close to call. This was not one of them.

Despite some early pressure from Uni’s Women’s Rugby 1st team, it only took Met one attack to break the deadlock, as Clare Garner put the hosts in front.

It was all downhill from there for Uni though. Met’s blend of slick passing play and simple ‘up-the-jumper’ style rugby proved too strong for Uni.

In a half during which the girls in green barely retained possession, tries from Victoria Brood, Rose Jay, Rebecca Scholes, Lois Brown and Sarah Clough gave Met a 53-0 lead at half time.

Although the score line made for painful reading, the attitude, commitment and spirit of the Uni players and supporters could not be faulted, and this was reflected in the way the team continued in the second half.

Met scored twice early in the second half, as substitute Steph Heathcote and Nieve Jones gave Met a 67-0 lead. But Uni refused to roll over, and on the 58th minute Jessica Willmott was held up on the line by some superb Met defending.

However Met continued to dominate in the last period of the match. One more try from Lois Brown and four more scored by Steph Heathcote in a player of the match performance ensured the hosts eventually won the match 94-0.

Uni’s women maintained their high spirits though, as prop Charli Parvin explained: “We lost, but we played sexy, flexy rugby.”

Uni took a beating in more ways than one too, as Tash Brown was carried off injured in the 50th minute, proving that the girls in green still gave it their all in this rivals clash which had one clear winner.

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Photo: Alice Greenfield

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