News | Union accidentally orders thousands of Jagermeisters

The Union was left bewildered this week when 4,000 bottles of Jagermeister arrived on campus.

After placing their regular order for 240 bottles, staff grew alarmed when delivery personnel began dropping off a ‘very large’ quantity of the popular student beverage.

Speaking to LS, Bars & Venues Manager Steve Keeble explains how the online order was confirmed as usual, adding: “We only realised an error had been made when 4,000 bottles arrived”.

The purchase was made for Leeds’ Stylus, Pulse, and Mine nightclubs, although the amount received was sixteen times too much and would have provided enough shots for 112,000 Jagerbombs, or nearly five for every undergrad on campus.

Far from the situation being an excuse for a merry gathering, a call to the supplier resulted in the unwanted stock being taken away.

Although the exact cause of the confusion remains unknown at this stage, it is believed an error occurred between Union parent group NUS Services and the supplier. Mr Keeble said the Union was ‘asking for an explanation’ from NUS Services, who processed the order, to ensure a similar incident doesn’t happen again:

‘At some point between that (the order) and it arriving on site, something’s gone terribly wrong’.

In the meantime, students are told not to worry as the Union is ‘not going to be running out of Jagermeister’ any time soon.

Charlotte Mason

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