Preview – Canal Mills presents Joy Orbison, Ben Klock, Ben UFO

This weekend, Canal Mills have invited down a scintillating selection of DJs, including one of the most consistent producers in UK electronic music, Joy Orbison. Having released one of the top tracks of the summer, ‘BRTHDJTT’ on Boddika’s Nonplus+ label, and managing his own Hinge Finger imprint, he’ll be sure to bring some heat to Leeds.

Alongside him will be one of the top selectors and Hessle Audio label boss, Ben UFO. Having started the label in Leeds along with Pearson Sound and Pangaea, he’s coming back to Leeds to showcase his diverse selection and impeccable mixing skills. And to top it off, one of the most highly respected German DJs, Ben Klock, is coming over from Berlin for a rare appearance in Leeds.

Tickets are £15 and you can buy them here.


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