Sport | Sport Society Showcase

Leeds University Union have around 50 sports and martial arts clubs to choose from, and LS Sport have handpicked four of the most unique and exciting on offer.


Korfball is one of the most unique sports around. The society consists of two teams competing in four different leagues and club president Matt Norman explains: “Korfball has similarities with netball, basketball and handball. The main difference is that it is multi-sex and you can’t shoot whilst being defended.” The club is successful too, “we have qualified for nationals every year!” Matt adds.


Fencing, as Club Captain Johnny Wells describes, is a “technical but fast-paced game of sword play” requiring, “co-ordination, dexterity, balance and agility.” The club participates in various competitions in addition to the BUCS League. Training takes place in the Sports Halls at The Edge, running separate sessions for novice and advanced fencers, so anyone can get involved.

Ultimate Frisbee

‘Ultimate’ is a cult favourite in universities up and down the country, and club president Ruth Lowe explains why: “Ultimate is easy to learn and fun to play”. The society runs two women’s teams, three men’s teams and a mixed team for national competitions. The women’s team currently hold the title of Northern regional champions, an achievement which required “speed, agility and endurance” adds Ruth.

Jiu Jitsu

One of the many martial arts on offer at Leeds, Jiu Jitsu is finding its UKhome here in Leeds as club secretary Ranvir Kalare explains:“Last year the club won their BUCS Championship and were named Club of the Year by The Jitsu Foundation.” A form of self-defence, Jitsu is “built on the principles of using an aggressor’s energy against them” Ranvir notes.

Most sports societies have Give it a Go sessions, so why not try something completely different this year? Check the Union website for more information.

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