There’s always a wide selection of great films available on Freeview. And seeing as staying in is the new going out, TV presents the ideal opportunity to catch up on what you might have missed in the cinema. Plus, it saves you spending your student loan on DVDs and rentals. Sometimes the choice can be quite overwhelming, so here at Leeds Student we’ve decided to compile a weekly list of the best films on TV. This week we go for a run with Simon Pegg, laugh in the face of terrorism and get seduced by Mrs Robinson.
Monday – The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Film4 22:55)
Based on the first novel of the Millennium trilogy by Stieg Larson, this Swedish cop film adaptation is the perfect thriller. Although the American remake is fantastic, it cannot match this original, a film with a truly gripping story. This is the film which really launched the career of Noomi Rapace, who stars alongside the excellent Michael Nyqvist.
Tuesday – Run Fatboy Run (E4 22:00)
Directed by David Schwimmer (aka Ross from Friends) this charming comedy stars Simon Pegg as a man who runs a marathon to try and win back the woman he jilted at the altar. The story is rather silly but if you can go along with it you will find yourself enjoying a heartwarming comedy.
Wednesday – Four Lions (Film4 21:00)
A comedy about terrorists? At first you may be sceptical but you will soon realise how clever and successful Four Lions is. Shot on location Sheffield, the film follows a group of men who plan a terrorist attack. It is, quite simply, hilarious. The last ten minutes are particularly special and will break your heart.

Thursday – The Last King Of Scotland (Film4 23:00)
In this week’s Freeview Flicks of the Week we have two films from the diverse director Kevin McDonald. Our first film is the Last King of Scotland, which examines the brutal regime of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin through the eyes of his personal physician, played by James McAvoy. The realism will terrify you and the tension will make you squirm with anticipation. It is worth seeing just for Forest Whitaker’s outstanding performance.
Friday – Touching The Void (Film4 01:25)
The second film by Kevin McDonald we feature is the true story of two climbers as they tackle the west face of Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes. Dramatisations, voice overs and interviews are cleverly combined to make a film that shocks and thrills. The story is truly incredible and even more so as it is all true. Make sure to watch out for Revenge of the Nerds on Film4 at 22:50, too.
Saturday – Precious (BBC2 23:10)
This bad-to-worse drama is a depressing but equally rewarding watch. It focuses on a poverty stricken girl, Precious, who is clinically obese, illiterate and pregnant with her second child. Precious features some astonishing performances and flickers a light over a world we rarely see. If a heavy drama is not what you fancy for a Saturday night in then I recommend the fantastic teen comedy Easy A (Channel 4, 23:05) instead.
Sunday – The Graduate (ITV3 22:00)
This 1960s classic is the story of a young graduate who finds himself trapped in an affair with Mrs Robinson, the wife of his father’s business partner. Dustin Hoffman stars in his first ever major film role and is really rather brilliant but it is Anne Bancroft who steals the show as the seductive Mrs Robinson. The scenes, dialogue, music and characters are all iconic and when you watch it you can see why.
Emily Murray