Old Boys play young

Leeds Celtics vs Old Boys
Leeds Celtics vs Old Boys

Richard Choksey

American Football

The Leeds Celtics gathered at Weetwood on Saturday to play their last match of the season. The current team was to face off against an assemblage of Old Boys in a classic matchup of young versus old, speed versus strength, vim versus guile.


The Old Boys won the toss and elected to receive the ball from kickoff. The Students started the game with a convincing defensive stand, holding fast as the Old Boys ran consecutive plays on the ground for minimal yardage.


Having recovered the ball from a punt, the Students made an immediate impact on offence, running for a few yards then completing a pass for 20 yards. Unfortunately, having caught the pass, the incumbent president made an uncharacteristic blunder, fumbling the ball in contact and losing possession.


The Old Boys’ offence was quick to attack the deflated Students following the turn over and ran the ball at them effectively. With their attention concentrated on the running game, the Students were vulnerable to a passing attack. Old Boys quarterback Henry Wareham was quick to recognize this and completed a pass to Henry ‘Sunshine’ Weedy for a touchdown. Luke Brafield followed the score with a 2-point conversion, bringing the score to 8-0 to the Old Boys.


Following their first score, the Old Boys’ confidence was palpable, as they quickly brought the Students’ offence to a standstill. Unfortunately, a few plays later their snapper was a little over-enthusiastic and the ball sailed out the back of the endzone for a safety.


The Old Boys regained their composure following the mistake and resumed their run-heavy attack. A strong shunt by the offensive line on a quarterback sneak released Henry Wareham into open field where he outran defenders and scored the Old Boys’ second touchdown. The score was converted for two points again, this time by Danny Ajilore, leaving the score at 16-2.


Recognizing that the Students were on the verge of defeat, quarterback Adam Smith rallied the team for a comeback. When the offence returned to the field he led the offence down the field and finished the drive by running the ball into the endzone. The conversion attempt fell victim to a messy snap and the scores stood at 16-8.


With one score separating the teams and time on the clock, the game became a contest. The Students were determined to reinforce their comeback with another touchdown and soon made their intensions evident. Adam Smith hit Jack Fuller in stride along the sideline, who ran half the pitch with defenders at his heels, just reaching the endzone for a touchdown. With the scores at 16-14, the Students tried a two-point conversion but were stumped in the backfield.


All smiles after the game
All smiles after the game

The Old Boys returned to the field intent on asserting their dominance. Their offence made a valiant attempt to put another score on the board but was stopped within yards of the goalline. Their defence stepped up to stop the Students on the next drive and the ball changed hands again. Henry Weedy threatened to break the deadlock by sneaking unnoticed to the sideline before the snap and catching the ball with no one around him but did not stay in bounds. The Students quickly made amends for the error by recovering a fumble to give their offence the ball as time wound down.


However, despite a concerted effort the Students were unable to overcome the opposition and the Old Boys took possession once more. Their decision to take a knee to wind down the clock stands testament to the respect the Students had earned during the game. When the final whistle blew the score was 16-14 to the Celtics.

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