Security leave students feeling “unsafe” after drug raid

lupton halls bleak

Two students arrested in their Halls for possessing drugs have launched an official complaint against University Security.

The students say that they “no longer feel safe” in their own flat, after they were held in “a hostage like situation” on the evening of their arrest.

In their complaint the girls also claim that they were “manipulated as [Security] demanded we give up our drugs else we would be immediately arrested.”

The first years allege that they handed over their drugs, however the police were still called and two of them were then arrested.

The girls told Leeds Student: “We did not feel safe in our own home and we resent that we were manipulated by the people who were supposedly meant to be looking after us.”

A University

spokesperson has said: “It is our policy to take disciplinary action and appropriately involve West Yorkshire Police when students are discovered using drugs.”

They added: “Security Services may enter student flats in a Hall of Residence in cases of emergency or if they have reason to believe that an illegal activity is taking place or that a student or students might be at risk of harm.”

Words: Lucy Snow

Photo: Becki Bateman

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