‘Prolific’ campus thief jailed


A man has been imprisoned for two and a half years after stealing from University property, having been apprehended by Security.

Mark Devine, of Holbeck, Leeds, was found guilty of theft, fraudulent use of a stolen bank card and burglary.

Polices sources told Leeds Student that Devine, 37, was a ‘prolific’ burglar and that he specifically targeted vending machines and unlocked office spaces, looking for valuable goods such as bank cards and stolen phones, which he would then go on to use fraudulently.

According to Alan Cain, Head of Campus Security, Devine was detained after being observed on CCTV fleeing from the Conference Auditorium. Security Officers pursued Devine, and apprehended him outside Leeds Metropolitan Students Union, discovering he was carrying a crowbar.

University Liaison Police Officer PC Matt Guy praised the University security officers for their role in detaining Devine, adding,

“Devine’s two and a half year incarceration should reassure members of the public that the police take all crime reports seriously and will investigate all offences.”

He continued: “Since Devine has been in prison West Yorkshire Police has noted a drastic fall in reports of theft from vending machine and burglary offences reported from Leeds University, and Leeds Metropolitan City Centre campus.”

During Devine’s sentencing at Leeds Crown Court on April 23, the court took into consideration eight other offences of burglary. He was sentenced to 30 months imprisonment and ordered to pay a £120 statutory surcharge.

Words: Phil Mann

Photo: West Yorkshire Police

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