LUU Leadership Race 2013: The Results Live Blog

leadership race

Update: The results are in – your exec and editors for 2013 are:

Leeds Student – Rehema Figueiredo

Equality & Diversity – Emma Friend

Community – Frankie O’Byrne

Welfare – Charlotte Warner

Education – Alice Smart

Activities – Greg Sturge

Union Affairs – Bradley Escorcio

The Leadership Race stakes have never been higher, with Leeds University Union setting a new national record for the number of voters in any student election in Britain, and more candidates than ever competing. Tonight, from 6pm, the results of the Leadership Race 2013 will be announced here, live on the Leeds Student website.

We’ll be live blogging the entire event with pictures and interviews from 6pm, and you can also catch the live stream courtesy of LSR and LSTV below.

Words: Giovanni Da Costa, Phil Mann, Sean Hayes, Ellie Parkes.

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