Calling All Artists…

soapbox…Graphic Designers, illustrators and Photographers in Leeds! Get your work exposed to an audience.


With the success of their online articles, interviews and book reviews, Soapbox Press will be revealing their new Visualisation section on February 21st 2013. It will be launched with a first post by artist Mark Michael – one of the ‘seven best young artists’, according to Art Investor. Visualisation will be a light-hearted, artistic venture for Soapbox, allowing contributors to create art with words. Soapbox is inviting everyone to join with Mark Michael and create a piece of artwork, be it through photography, graphics, fashion or collage, just so long as text is involved. They want to see a word-filled stream of inspiration tantalize their website.

About Soapbox

Soapbox Press are an independent publishing company created in 2012 by four arts and journalism graduates.

Their website is split into three sections. The first belongs to articles, covering all areas of the creative industries and the experiences within it. The article form allows students to deviate from the university-style of writing long, specialised essays, and condense their ideas into a shorter, fresher, more readable form, open for others to understand and interpret. The second section belongs to interviews, allowing Soapbox to introduce fresh, upcoming artists as well as hearing from those more established. This naturally presents a great mix of mediums, style and experience. The third section belongs to book reviews: a section that seeks to look further than just the plot of a story, instead delving more deeply into a noted theme, prominent character or event. All three sections provide an insight into the works and writings of students and graduates of the arts. This is an insight Soapbox relishes developing.

With the outlook of providing ‘the platform for the creative voice’, their first publication The Winchester Journals launched in June 2012. The book contains ten selected

articles written by students from Winchester School of Art across the three courses of Textile and Fashion Design, Fine Art and Graphic Art. The articles encompassed topical issues for the students, conscious of their mark within society. For example, fine art graduate, Rosie Brown, examined constructed realities in contemporary art and photography, while fashion design student, Stephanie Orlowski, considered how storytelling could assist in creating a fluid fashion collection that can subsequently evoke a controlled emotion. The journal has sold very successfully and Soapbox is keen to forward this success by making the intellect behind art and design accessible.

The focus of art and design is generally on practical design, but writing is another creative outlet often forgotten about within the arts. Thus Soapbox Press provides the platform for the creative voice. Emily Cotton, Marketing and Campaigns Manager.

Art submissions can be made to the website, 

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