Shop til you swap


Marks and Spencer has launched a new initiative on campus for recycling and donating clothes easier.

‘Shwopping’ will allow students and staff to donate unwanted clothing into new recycling boxes around campus called ‘Shwop Drops’.

Working alongside Oxfam, M&S will then re-sell, re-use or recycle the donated clothing and raise funds for the charity which strives to help people around the world overcome poverty.

‘Shwop Drop’ boxes will also be put in most M&S stores where customers are encouraged to donate something each time that they buy a new item of clothing.

The University’s Head of Sustainability Dr Louise Ellis said, “The launch of Marks and Spencer’s Shwopping scheme at the University of Leeds will provide further momentum to our sustainability work.”

Shwopping has already been introduced in stores nationwide. Richard Gillies, Director of Plan A, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business, explained, “This is a great way for the University to engage with employees and students, as well as improving sustainability credentials, so I am delighted to launch Shwopping in conjunction with the University of Leeds.”

Look out for the Shwop Drop boxes around the campus to do your bit for charity the next time you’re about to hit the high street. Shwoppers can also earn points using the Facebook app by donating shwops and spreading the word, earning up to 50 points per shwop.

Words: Kate Brady

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