Student finds valentine after twitter plea

adam wood

A student has received an offer to be on Big Brother after starting a Twitter campaign for a Valentine’s date.

Third-year English student Adam Wood was catapulted to fame after starting the Twitter campaign #findmeavalentine. Wood has been shocked by the response to his search for a girl to take on a swanky Valentine’s date.

He told Leeds Student, “The whole campaign has been mental”. Wood has received offers from scores of girls, messages from casting agents and even death-wishes from jealous Internet trolls.

The famous student even turned down a Nuts columnist for the date. But Wood’s ego hasn’t ballooned with his rapid rise to fame.

In fact, the newest star in the Twitteratti constellation politely refused the columnist’s kind offer in the name of charity, so he could auction his date at a Help For Heroes charity sale.

After the charity auction Wood updated his Facebook status to say: “Absolutely buzzing, I may have had to get topless but I have a date lined up with a gorgeous girl, and received the highest bid of the night.”

Wood’s big break came in the form of an article covering his romantic campaign on The Daily Mail’s website.

However, Wood has not let himself become disillusioned by the fame, saying, “I’ve been contacted by numerous journalists, online publications and even offered a role with Big Brother. All this doesn’t matter right now as all I’d like to do is find a girl who’s up for having a fun (and free!) evening.”

Words: Ellie Parkes

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