End to module enrolment misery

module enrolment

The Union has managed to change the way students can enroll on modules for the next academic year.

For years, students have complained about computer systems not loading, not being able to choose modules before the summer break and international students having to enroll at awkward times of day.

Christina Annesley, a final year History student, told Leeds Student: “I had to wake up at 9am, watch the VLE crash and refresh for about three hours until I finally got there. Then I realised that there were no more modules that I wanted to do.”

From May this year, students will now enroll on different dates, according to their year of study, easing the pressure on IT systems and preventing unnecessary crashing. Students going into second or third year will now enrol in May, meaning that both home and international students will know what modules they are taking before they leave for the summer. Timings have also changed from 9am to 12pm, to help international students.

Antony Haddley, Union Affairs Officer, said: “It’s well known that online module enrolment has been a big headache for years now. It’s fundamentally wrong that students are faced with a lottery of getting the module they want just because the website crashes.”

However, Philosophy and Russian Civilisation student, Kate Hall, says further changes need to be mad.: “My main problem is with module choice, or the lack of it. This definitely needs improving for the new students paying more expensive fees to give them value for money.”

Antony Haddley added:The bigger issue is getting more of the modules that students want so everyone gets their first choice and I’ll make sure that’s being worked on in the months to come.”

Words: Sabrina Poole

Photo: Leo Garbutt

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