Cabinet meeting in Leeds

cabinet meeting leeds musuem city

Amidst his busy schedule, including a trip to Algeria, Prime Minister David Cameron found time to visit Leeds this week.

The whole cabinet, including George Osborne, Danny Alexander and Phillip Hammond, were visiting the city to discuss plans for the new HS2 rail route, linking Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham and London in record time.

The meeting was held at Leeds City Museum where there was a strong police presence.

A third year Music student, who saw the commotion said “it’s pretty funny to think I walked past the Prime Minister and didn’t even know. I thought it must be the Queen. To be honest I’m annoyed I missed the opportunity to flour bomb George Osborne.”

HS2 would mean that students could get to Birmingham in under an hour and to London in just under an hour and a half.

David Cameron said the route would “spread wealth and prosperity” to other parts of the country. The route is expected to be completed by 2032 and will cost approximately £32.7billion.

Words: Rehema Figueiredo

Photo: Twitter

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