Soc of the Week 01.02.13: Belly Dance Society

Leeds University Union Society of the WeekPresident: Hannah Brock

Membership: £5/year

Classes: £20/semester

Facebook: Luu Belly Dance Society 2012/13

Regular classes: Thursday 7-8pm; Thursday 8-9pm; Monday 6-7pm, The Treehouse

LUU Belly Dance Society offers members the chance to learn one of the oldest forms of dance, no matter what their level of skill or experience. Members hone their belly dance skills in weekly hour-long lessons. Classes are taught by a University of Leeds alumnus and former society president who teaches styles of dance including fusion, tribal, balkan beats, gypsy and gothic
. Classes are divided into Beginners, Returning Beginners who have been learning for a semester or more, and a combined Improvers and Advanced class for more seasoned members.

Members of Belly Dance Society also perform at a number of events throughout the year. So far this year, the dancers have made appearances at Leeds RAG Safer Sex Ball, LUU Dance Competition and their own Christmas Hafla. The society also takes part in the Leeds University Union dance show in March, along with LUU’s other dance societies.

Haflas are get-togethers that take place at Christmas and in the summer. Each class performs a routine, giving members a chance to showcase their skills. They also provide a great opportunity for members to give solo, duo or group performances, as well as performances from professional belly dancers. There are soft drinks and party food to enjoy, and members can also buy coin belts, bra tops and jewellery from stalls set up by other belly dancers and teachers. They also offer a chance to learn about other events happening around the city, and the flourishing belly dance community in Leeds.

As well as the classes and performances, the society holds regular socials, both Middle Eastern related and “typical English” ones. These include drinks at Spice Bar and joint events with other dance groups and Circus Society.

In their own words, being part of LUU Belly Dance Society is like being part of a family that they’d like you to join… why not join today?

Words: Beckie Smith

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