There’s snow limit for Leeds ladies

Women’s Lacross, 23rd January 2013

Leeds Uni 23 -5 Edinburgh 

On their 3rd attempted trip up to Edinburgh, the Lacrosse women’s 1st finally got 1-up on the snow. Despite the five hour journey and early start, the girls arrived in good spirits and they were not dampened when confronted with a pitch heavily laden with snow.

This was a vital game for the team, having triumphed over the prestigious “Durham”, it was all or nothing for this next knockout round against Edinburgh 2nds. Thankfully, the women’s lacrosse 1st did our Uni proud, with yet another fantastic win.

The game began slowly as the girls were cautious on the slippery surface providing tricky conditions. Caitlin Baty, the top goal scorer, put the first shot into the back of the net, setting the tone for the rest of the match. It was a mix of players, some never having played together, but they quickly gelled and fell in place amongst the elder players (a big thank you must be said to whose who came all the way up to Edinburgh with us).

20 minutes later, Edinburgh looking panicked. Leeds Captain, Danielle Hill, called a time out to give Leeds a breather, with the scoreboard 6-0 to Leeds. The girls discussions were all positive, and they went back on pitch with their heads held high, re-grouped, and ready to stretch out their lead.

Leeds went on to score 6 more goals in 10 minutes, conceding just 1 goal to Edinburgh. During half time, Danielle encouraged the attack to be a threat to goal, each Leeds girl being more than capable of beating the Edinburgh keeper. The defence, having been a solid and cohesive force, also needed little to work on.

Leeds performance in the 2nd half was exemplary. The time passed quickly, although all players were clearly feeling the effects of the Scottish weather. A few girls fell on the snow, but luckily everyone came out injury free. Edinburgh came back fighting, full of confidence, and managed to score 4 more goals. Their defence escalated hugely, making life more difficult for the Leeds attack.

The overall score was an immense 21-5 to Leeds. This has put the team though to the quarter-finals of the Trophy Cup, to face Glasgow 1sts on the 13th February at Weetwood. Please do come along to support the girls, we guarantee it will be a thrilling match. Well done Leeds Lacrosse.

Another fantastic result, with special congratulations to Maz Laughland, who stepped up to play with the 1st, our 2nds captain, who received a well earned ‘man-of-the match’. Look out on twitter, at @LUUWLC, for more details about BUCS.

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