Syrians fear for Uni future




A student has submitted an idea to the Better University Forum after a Syrian student was left fearing for his place at Leeds, after his government failed to pay his tuition fees.

The motion urges the University to “develop policies to help international students facing crisis”. It comes after many Syrian students studying in the UK have found themselves without a way to fund their education.

The student, originally from the University of Damascus, was left distressed when the Syrian government failed to provide Leeds with the July installment of his tuition fees. He got hold of a letter sent by the University to the Syrian authorities, stating that failure to pay the student’s fees could lead to the debt being transferred to him and potential expulsion.

Jacqui Brown, head of the University’s International Office, said: “We have not prevented any Syrian students from continuing their studies. The University agreed a new package of support in October to help students who are suddenly left destitute and unable to pay their tuition fees and this should provide an extra financial ‘safety net’ for students affected by the conflict in Syria”.

You can read more about the difficulties faced by Syrian students in LS2, p. 4-5.

Words: Phil Mann

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