Soc of the Week 25.01.12: Sign Language

Leeds University Union Society of the WeekPresident: Christina Economides

Membership: £9/year; £6 for returning members


Regular meetings: Wednesday 7-8pm, Maurice Keyworth Seminar Room G.31, Business School

If you’ve ever wanted to learn to sign, Leeds University Union Sign Language Society welcomes students of all abilities. The society has been enabling members to learn in a relaxed, friendly environment since it was founded 7 years ago. Around fifty members meet each week to practise their sign language skills with like-minded students.

Weekly meetings are casual and open to people with all levels of experience or none – students are encouraged to come along whether they are seasoned pros or complete novices. Members learn and practise British Sign Language at the meetings, and more advanced members can teach beginners. LUUSLS prides itself on being relaxed and welcoming, and Wednesday evening sessions are followed by drinks in the Terrace so that members can get to know each other and the committee better.

The society also gives members the opportunity to gain a formal qualification. The Level 1 British Sign Language course runs from October to March and is taught by a fully qualified BSL teacher. At £100, the course is subsidised by the society so is a great opportunity for students to record their achievements whilst at university.

Aside from regular meetings, LUUSLS runs a number of other social and sign language-related events. Upcoming events include first aid sign sessions and a meet-up with Sheffield sign language society. Over the next few weeks there will also be socials such as a pub quiz, a bowling night and a ‘tea’ party. Some members of the society will be venturing further afield to take part in the Charity Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge.

LUUSLS is running a Give it a Go event on 8 February in the Business School 1.33, where students can learn more about what the society does. Anyone who is interested in learning sign language and making new friends is welcome to come along and take part. Whether or not you can make it, come along to the weekly meeting any time during the semester – friends, partners and housemates welcome!

Words: Beckie Smith

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