Security put brakes on bike theft



Two people have been charged with attempted theft after being stopped by University security officers.

The incident took place on the evening of January 11, when security staff disturbed two suspected thieves who were allegedy attempting to steal a bicycle.

The officers, Wayne Robson, Stephen De’ath and Richard Day chased and seized both suspects, one of whom had to be restrained, before the police arrived and the suspects were arrested.

The University’s dedicated police officer PC Matt Guy told Leeds Student: “The security officers were faced with a potentially violent and aggressive male who posed a serious risk to them. They were able to detain the male until the police arrived to assist them.”

Both thieves were charged with the attempted theft of a bicycle with one also being charged with a public order offence. The suspects will appear at Leeds Magistrates’ Court on February 12 for their case to be heard.

PC Guy added: “The officers were brilliant on the day. I commend their quick thinking and courage and want to particularly praise the officers involved”.

Words: Phil Mann

Photo: Leo Garbutt

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