Hero to the bone

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Medical student Nick Raynor, 23, has been named as a regional winner of the vInspired National Awards.

As President of Leeds Marrow, Nick has signed up thousands of students to the UK bone marrow register in the last five years.

In the last year alone, Nick and his team have recruited nearly 2,500 donors, accounting for 25 per cent of national student sign-ups.

Nick admits that he was a bit embarrassed about receiving the award.

“I don’t think anyone volunteers so that they can get awards, but it is nice to be recognised. Hopefully it will help to raise the profile of Leeds Marrow and let more people know what we are doing.”

“I’m backed up by an amazing committee and lots of dedicated volunteers, without whom none of our success would be possible.”

Nick is also the President of UK Marrow, the student branch of blood cancer charity Anthony Nolan. He first became involved with the charity in his first year of University.

“I wasn’t on the bone marrow register, but I would have joined if I’d been given the opportunity. I thought that there would be loads of people that would join the register, if only they knew about it and had the opportunity.”

As regional winner in the All Round Commitment to Volunteering category, Nick will find out in February whether he has made it onto the national shortlist.

“It would be brilliant as it would help us show off Leeds Marrow on a national scale. But really, we just want to continue signing people up to the register and helping to save lives.”


Words: Rosanna Pound-Woods

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