Live Review:: Passion Pit @ O2 Academy





With bands of this year choosing to focus their sound on house or dubstep vibes, it’s quite refreshing to a band whose music is all the more approachable for this change and slightly shies away from the pressures of this revived trend. Passion Pit prove tonight that they have not lost their electro-pop sensibilities, playing to a willing crowd that are at one with their roots. Although considerably messy and rough around the edges, Passion Pit never seem to falter on stage, especially front-man Michael Angelakos’ screaming falsetto, which would feel misplaced leading any other band. They really hit full swing when live favourite ‘Live To Tell The Tale’ comes into the mix, making the audience (already in the grasp of the band’s over-powering hand) crescendo into a frenzy, even before ‘Sleepyhead’ is taken for a spin. The raucousness continues, as the crowd mimics the intensity of Mark’s performance with their own eccentric moves, taking an enormous turn for the best in the encore with tracks such as ‘Moth’s Wings’. Overall, the electricity and incredible chaos proved to be a style of gig that will stand the test of time.


Words: Katerina Lee

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