Theatre | This Man to his Wife

4/5 Stars

LUU Theatre Group’s final production of the semester is a fantastic piece of original writing by student Joe Kerridge. The play follows Larry and Pam, a young couple struggling with married life and the somewhat unnerving presence of David, who is staying in the flat to help Larry with his script writing. There’s a lot of tension bubbling under the surface, and it becomes clear as the play unfolds that not everything is as it seems.

The simple box space representing a tiny flat is very effective: performed in the round, the audience are encouraged to walk around the stage and observe the production from different angles. Both intelligent and inventive, this creates an intimate atmosphere that makes us feel as if we truly are intruding on the lives of these characters. This also means that as an audience we are able to appreciate the brilliant acting displayed by the cast; we notice every change in expression, the slight turn of a head or the angry edge added to the delivery of a line. Particular praise should go to Dan Whitehouse (who played David) who made great use of pauses and made everyone jump every time he evoked a surprise flash of anger.

But, like all intrusions, you don’t get the full story; things have already happened that the audience have no idea of, and so we can only guess at what exactly is going on. A lot is left unexplained, and as such, I left at the end of the production with more questions than answers. Perhaps that is Kerridge’s intention. This may not be every theatre-goers cup of tea, but despite this, I was gripped throughout by the excellent dialogue, intense silences and the urge to know exactly how this drama would end. Joe Kerridge should be congratulated on his brilliant script which marks the end of a successful season of plays from TG.

Alice Rafter

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