Let the sausage see the roll


As the winter nights draw in, hundreds of Leeds Uni students have been left longing for that special someone to snuggle up to in a cosy corner of Old Bar. Leeds RAG’s latest charity event could be about to save some lovelorn learners from those winter blues.

Following the success of last year’s night of matchmaking, Leeds RAG ‘Take Me Out’ is making a return and will be held at Walkabout on February 5 – just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Funds raised will be donated to the charity ‘Leeds Women Aid’ which strives to protect women and children in Leeds from the damage of domestic violence.

The event will follow a similar style to the TV show with those lucky lovers having the chance to go on a surprise date. The night is, of course, open to both boys and girls and promises to be great fun whether you’re looking for love or just want to be part of a fantastic charity event.

Any lovesick students out there should send an e-mail with the subject as ‘TMO contestants’ to leedsrag.tmo@gmail.com

Words: Kate Brady

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