Movember is back!

It’s that time of year again. The pumpkins have all gone mouldy, Wham! is playing on a loop in Morrisons, and the facial fur is out in force. Movember is back. Now in its 12th year, the annual takeover of the upper lip to raise awareness of prostate cancer is more widespread than ever. Campus is awash with guys putting their own twist on the trendy tache, from the traditional to the more experimental. Look out for everything from straightforward pencils and Mexicans, to eccentric handlebars and Dalis. It all really depends upon what kind of guy he is, and recently, it’s our ‘hipster’ populace that is blazing the trail with regard to follicle fun. In fact, the alternatives have gone to great lengths in order to try and make the mo’ a permanent fixture throughout the year, which means there will be some inevitable fallout for the mainstreamers setting aside November alone for some facial-hair experimentation. For better or worse, gentlemen participating in the month of fuzz festivities should be prepared to endure some ribbing (gentle or otherwise) from their peers. But hey, it’s all part of the fun and who knows, maybe you’ll develop a soft spot for your facial feature and allow it an enduring presence? In any case, remember if nothing else to check your balls.

Image: Topshop

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