Kardashian for Dorothy Perkins

They touched down on British soil and created a media frenzy. They’re the queens of bodycon and part of one the most successful reality TV shows in history. Last week the Kardashian trio launched the Kardashian Kollection for Dorothy Perkins, with thousands flocking to the balconies of London’s Wesfield to catch a glimpse of the trio.

Over the pond, any merchandise this family touches turns to gold. Everyone wants a piece of Kardashian in their lives, but how does the collection fare on our turf? Has Dorothy Perkins, a store assumed as the less exciting Arcadia store, pulled out all the stops to inject the sex, Kash and the uber-glam that is Kardashian into the collection? The endorsement surprised analysts, calling the store an unexpected choice to the collection— one that could have shone in more complementary stores such as Sir Phillip Green’s other ventures, Miss Selfridge or Lipsy- the go-tos for banging bodycons and ostentation on a budget.

Browsing the rails we are met with signature colours and prints: black, gold and leopard print. Yet the abundance of the latter suggests less Kardashian and more Kat Slater. There’s an ample selection of bodycon styles on offer, but we’re prevented in emulating the girls due to the thin, low elasticity fabrics -these numbers won’t be getting us any closer to packing a back like Kim. The high points of the collection are perhaps the accessories. The handbags feature a slick plating and rigidy alike to those by River Island. Another nice touch is their jeans collection, personally selected and designed by the sisters to tailor to their range of body shapes. For Kardashian fans, snippets of the Kardashian brand are visible with plausible highlights, but overall they’re left disappointed, through lack of quality or attention to detail.

So has Dorothy Perkins subdued the flash that is Dash? We’d say yes, but was this celebrity endorsement a wise move for ol’ Phil? We’d have to say yes again. No doubt the sister’s popularity will boost footfall and inject a bit of young into what is dubbed the wallflower of the Arcadia giant, but looking to the consumers, will we be one step closer to becoming a Kardashian sister? Sadly a combination of genetics and this collection suggest otherwise.


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