Brick used in city centre mugging



A Leeds student has been robbed and threatened with a brick in Leeds City Centre.

Police say they are investigating a street robbery of 22-year-old student Sean Jacks, which occurred some time between 7pm and 7.15pm on Monday.

According to a police spokesperson, the victim was walking towards a footbridge over the inner ring road, next to the site of the former international swimming pool off Westgate, when he was confronted by two men who demanded his phone.

When he refused one of the men produced a brick from under his hooded top and threatened to hit him with it.The victim handed over his Samsung phone and also had an amount of cash taken from him.

Speaking to the Yorkshire Evening Post, Mr. Jacks warned others to be cautious when walking alone at night in the city centre: “I would avoid quiet areas like this. I would hate anyone else to go through this and won’t walk that way again.”

Both men were described as white and aged about 20. One was about 5ft 8ins tall, with short ginger hair and a pale complexion with freckles. He was wearing a black hooded top and black bottoms.The other was about 5ft 5ins tall with short dark hair. He was wearing a black zip-up jacket and black bottoms.

Anyone who witnessed the incident or who has any information that could assist the investigation is asked to contact CID at Holbeck police station via 101 or contact Crimestoppers, anonymously and in confidence, on 0800 555 111

Words: James Greenhalgh

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