The Scare Factor

Halloween has increasingly become less and less about the scare-factor and more about
trying to look hot. However, here at LS2 we believe in the tradition of frightening costumes
and went along to the fancy dress shop ‘Best Kept Secret’ to take a look at what weird and
wacky outfits they had to offer.

We tried on what we believed to be the scariest costumes in ‘Best Kept Secret’ and whilst a hilarious process, the costumes proved to be scarier than we anticipated. I compiled a list of the most terror-inducing costumes in the shop and pondered as to why they’re so scary.

Top Five Scary Costumes

5. It is unusual that you would associate a mime with fear; however the ‘Maniacal Mime’ costume is surprisingly effective. There is something unnerving about a mime and his silence. So to give the most scares, you could even mime along to the music in a club and spook everyone out.
4. The ‘Zombie Doctor’ is unsurprisingly a favourite with the medics. It’s true to say that most people have an innate fear of surgeons and doctors and medical practice itself. The bloody scrubs are enough to make anyone’s spine tingle. Add a plastic brain and the faint-hearted will be retching.
3. There is just something about farmyard animals that creeps us all out and the ‘Pork Grinder’ costume definitely constitutes as creepy. Standing at the bar in a nightclub and staring in the face of a semi-deformed and bloody pig would not be the most pleasurable experience.
2. The ‘Jigsaw’ costume plays on our fears inevitably due to the Saw films. Everyone at least knows of the fictional killer and torturer. Avid fans of the film may not be so terrified by the costume but if anyone has had sleepless nights over the many Saw films, then terror is certain to be induced within them. All you need is a tricycle to accompany and you may even embody Jigsaw himself.
1. It is becoming increasingly more common that people have a fear of clowns (coulrophobia). So the ‘Sinister Jester’ costume will be horrifying for anyone with this fear and even for those without. Clowns as figures of horror are a popular choice in films, making them all the more associated with fear and evil. The costume is so vast and intricate, that it’s so difficult to see the person beneath the costume, making it even scarier. This is one of the current bestsellers, so watch out for any evil clowns on the streets of Leeds. Walking home on a dark Halloween night, you would not want to face this evil clown…



For ‘Best Kept Secret’ Halloween is like Christmas, bringing in a third of the year’s business. The shop is conveniently located on the route of the Otley Run (Which we all know involves many fancy dress costumes and looking ridiculous). I spoke to Chris Walton, the owner of the shop to find out his thoughts on costumes and Halloween.

How many years have you been in business?
Seven years but originally had an online shop before that.
How many costumes do you sell around the Halloween period?
Around 500 but with around 3, 000 sales in total, including things like accessories and masks.
Which is the most popular type of costume?
The less traditional and more novelty type of costume usually sells really well. Witches and vampires seem to be on their way out.
Which costume is your current bestseller?
The ‘Carrot and Peas’ and ‘Sinister Jester’ costumes.
Which is the most terrifying costume in the shop?
I think the ones where you have to do your own makeup. The Freddy Kreuger costume is really scary.
What are your greatest fears?
I absolutely hate spiders.
What do you usually dress up as on Halloween?
I tend to mix and match. I once did a Zombie Cheryl Cole and my colleague did a Drag Lady GaGa… We usually just use whatever is left over.



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