Leeds Student interviews Nick Griffin: COMMENT

Why we decided to publish our interview with Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP

Many will disagree with Leeds Student for publishing this interview. However, the principle behind our decision to print this is the freedom of speech. This paper is proud that we live in a democratic society, and that we can openly challenge and debate all manner of opinion and ideas.

Nick Griffin is an elected MEP, and three years ago in Leeds, a BNP candidate was also elected to the European Parliament. Whilst the views of this party may be unsavoury to say the least, whether we like it or not, they have sufficient local support to return elected members into political office. It is important that all parties are challenged to justify their views, including the BNP.

The BNP goes against everything most students believes in, but we wholeheartedly defend Griffins’ right to be heard. We are not here to police what students read; we know that students are intelligent enough to make up their own minds. We are a paper with a proud history of reporting controversial stories and interviews, and all students who believe in the freedom of press, the freedom to think and the freedom to speak their mind should support this paper in publishing this interview.

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