Second Heaven

Burglaries, bills and bossy landlords, not exactly the most endearing prospect, after living in the safeguards of halls. We weren’t the only ones who had an ominous feeling when it came to moving into our new student houses, nor were the claims that five houses on Brudenell Road had been broken into in the first week particularly reassuring.

However, now three weeks in, halls seems like a distant memory… and a restrictive one at that! Gone are the 3am fire alarms, due to reckless individuals taking scalding showers and leaving the door open; gone are the dodgy wardens who thought it was OK to impede on our loud music (who do they think they are?), and wearing double denim. We’re all for individuality in fashion, but please!

The perks of second year living include less try-hards, attempting to sell endless Halo tickets in a bid to make friends, and more genuine friendships with less drunken, Fresher ‘ I love you!’ declarations’, despite not even knowing your name. Nights out suddenly come with a lot more variety, with an ever-growing number of house parties. With the Co-op’s finest Vodka, and money saved from taxis spent on ‘baccy’ and Rizla (straights are so first year), house parties provide pretty cheap thrills for the impoverished student. Obviously there are no wardens to stop ‘rowdy’ (‘laddish’) behaviour, but hey, we’re second years. No need for double denims!

For those that lived in halls further a field, and forked out £300 on a bus pass, fear not, living in Hyde Park is at most a half an hour walk into Uni – which can be ideal for a hangover! (Alternatively, a trip to Bakery 164 ‘en route’ never hurt anyone). Another advantage of living in a house (particularly for those who were in catered halls), is the luxury of round the clock meal times, and not forming an ‘orderly’ queue at two o’ clock in the Refectory! Whilst sell by dates and freezer food can make for a night of heavy eating, house meals become a dreamy option, as opposed to the awkward ‘get what you’re given’ meals served in the Refectory. We like noodles as much as the next person, but who are we to say no to a themed Mexican night complete with Margaritas? Time to whip out those sombreros!

One thing to bear in mind, future second years, when sorting out your house, is  to sort the internet out! One member of this ‘journalistic’ team still doesn’t have internet, and is consequently suffering withdrawal symptoms, and falling behind in downloading illegal torrents, another perk of unrestricted Wifi. Make the most of safety, but…. ‘big bad’ second year isn’t so bad after all.

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