Club faces closure after violent attacks

Club Fire faces having its licence revoked after a string of attacks and criminal offences at the club.

West Yorkshire Police have requested that Leeds City Council licensing committee review Fire’s licence “on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder”.

The police claim there has been an increase in crime at the student favourite, including a number of stabbings, robberies, violent attacks, drug taking and instances of door staff being arrested and cautioned for assault.

A report, submitted to members of the City Council’s Licensing Committee, details the police’s concerns.

The police initially raised concerns in 2009, when the venue was known as ‘Puro’. The club was ordered to have its licence reviewed but was allowed to keep it, on the condition that it made improvements.

In the wake of the review, the club re-opened under its new name. However, the British Transport Police have since presented evidence suggesting that there has been a decline in the standard of management of the premises since January 2011.

A former member of staff at the club, who wishes to remain anonymous, has made allegations that security staff “didn’t seem to take their job seriously” and “spent most of the time flirting with the girls on the bar and making inappropriate suggestions which really creeped [the bar staff] out”. She also alleges “Management didn’t really seem to take their job too seriously and often saw paperwork as unnecessary bureaucracy.”

Leeds Student repeatedly attempted to contact Fire but had received no response at the time of going to print.

Last year Leeds Student reported on a similar story involving Gatecrasher club.  Following the stabbing of an underage drinker, the popular Wednesday night venue had its licence permanently revoked.

The Council Committee will be convening on Monday to discuss the case.

James Greenhalgh
Sophie Seeley

Photo: Leo Garbutt

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