However far you are into your degree, you probably haven’t quite nailed the process of getting up early and being productive. Lauren gives you some easy tips on how to make the dreaded alarm clock […]

However far you are into your degree, you probably haven’t quite nailed the process of getting up early and being productive. Lauren gives you some easy tips on how to make the dreaded alarm clock […]
Changes to the University’s employment legislation have led to accusations of impinged academic freedom. The University and College Union (UCU) is threatening strike action over changes to the University’s employment laws after negotiations with the […]
Over the past three years, The University of Leeds has collected over £211,000 in library fines from overdue books. In this time, universities across Yorkshire have received more than £600,000 in library fines. The total […]
Late last year, seemingly out of nowhere, anxiety found me. It gripped me with its dull, malevolent claws, and, so far, hasn’t yet let go. It wasn’t Uni stress, it wasn’t a personal issue. To […]
According to new analysis by the Student Loan Calculator website, domestic university tuition fees in England are now the highest in the world. The average annual cost of £9,188 now exceeds that of the average […]
New government plan seeks to punish university students who pay for pre-written essays, which is detailed to include fines as well as a possible criminal record. For the first time in the UK, students who […]
Cardiff Metropolitan University has come under heavy criticism after their new “cultural diversity” policies have extended to prohibiting certain “out dated” or sexist phrases. The list, including terms like “sportsmanship”, “gentleman’s agreement” and “mankind”, provides […]
LUU votes unanimously to reject the NSS boycott, as well as to introduce compulsory equality and diversity training for all committees. Leeds students put forward the leading forum proposals to a random panel of students […]
Whilst on my daily (who am I kidding, hourly) scroll through Instagram, I came across a post about caterpillars. The enlightening picture informed me that these little beasts turn into goo whilst in the cocoon. […]
A study from Oxford University has found that many friendship groups deteriorate when students leave home and go to university. The researchers, who analysed both male and female original friendship groups, said the core reason […]
Dr Paul Hartle, an English fellow at St Catherine’s college, expressed his concerns following an assault of a Cambridge student cycling across the city centre wearing college attire. Students were urged to refrain from wearing […]
Seven final-year students had their laptops broken, losing dissertation and course work. On Friday 17th February, a burglary took place at the house of seven final year students on Headingley Mount. The offenders used a […]