Campus Watch: Cardiff Met accused of free speech censorship after publishing “Guide to Inclusive Language”

Cardiff Metropolitan University has come under heavy criticism after their new “cultural diversity” policies have extended to prohibiting certain “out dated” or sexist phrases. The list, including terms like “sportsmanship”, “gentleman’s agreement” and “mankind”, provides more inclusive synonyms that are recommended to be used instead.

CMU states that the guide is part of their “commitment to providing an environment where everyone is valued and treated with dignity and respect”.

Staff and students could face disciplinary procedures for repeated use of banned phrases. Instead, they are expected to use what the University calls “neutral terminology” while on campus. The initiative has been named “insulting” and “unnecessary” by some academics.

An ongoing online poll conducted by Wales Online asks users: “Is it right not to use these terms?” The response currently stands at 79% of participants voting “no”, a resounding demonstration of opposition towards the ban. The full list of phrases is available on CMU’s website.

Euan Hammond

(Image: CMU)

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